VMpalvelin / Growing Nicotiana Tabacum 2025
Growing Nicotiana Tabacum 2025

Growing tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum) started 1. March 2025 by preparing the potting soil. The soil is normal potting soil that can be bought from a store and wood ash.

Tobacco seeds are tiny. Like a dust.

Potting soil and wood ash.

Growinng tobacco needs lots of light. I use led lamps and small fluoricent tube lamps that are specially made for growing plants.

Tobacco seeds are planted and are under a plant light.

Tobacco seeds are planted to the top of the soil. The seeds need light to activate germination.

The seeds have germinated.

The tobacco seeds have germinated just after couple of days. Some small germinated seeds have been removed to make space for the seeds that are bigger than the others.

The plants are in the front of a window to get sun light in 7. March 2025.