VMpalvelin / Astronomy / Centaurus A in IR and UV
Centaurus A in IR and UV

Centaurus A galaxy in IR (up) and UV (middle)
IR and UV images combinated: IR = red, UV = blue (down)

Center of the galaxy is reddish so they emit more in infrared than in ultraviolet.

Exposure time of the UV image is longer because the earths atmosphere is more transparent in IR than in UV. Also the camera is more sensitive to IR than to UV.

ITelescopes Telescope-17
0,43m 17 inch

(Located to Australia)

FLI ProLine E2V CCD47-10-1-109 Deep Depletion - Fused Silica
0,92 Arc secs/pixels

I (photometry infrared)
U (photometry ultraviolet)

3 * 300s IR
3 * 600s UV

Date: IR
26 July 2013

Date: UV
27 July 2013