VMpalvelin / Photography / Documents / Agfa

Kodak Direct Positive
Kodak Brownie
Hauff - Der Amateur in der Dunkelkammer
Leica - Leitz
Hasselblad guides
Minolta Dimage 7Hi
Other Documents

Old Documents of Photographic Products /  Agfa
Click document to enlarge.

Agfa Brovira enlarging paper 1

Agfa Brovira enlarging paper 2

Agfa Brovira enlarging paper 3

Agfa Brovira enlarging paper 4

Agfa Brovira enlarging paper 5

Agfa Brovira enlarging paper 6

Direktions for use of Agfa rollfilms and filmpacks 1

Direktions for use of Agfa rollfilms and filmpacks 2

Direktions for use of Agfa rollfilms and filmpacks 3

Direktions for use of Agfa rollfilms and filmpacks 4

Direktions for use of Agfa rollfilms and filmpacks 5

Direktions for use of Agfa rollfilms and filmpacks 6

Direktions for use of Agfa rollfilms and filmpacks 7

Agfa Isopan ISS Page 1

Agfa Isopan ISS Page 2

Agfa Isopan ISS Page 3

Agfa Isopan ISS Page 4

Agfa Isopan ISS Page 5


Agfa Portrait films and cut films page 1

Agfa Portrait films and cut films page 2

Agfa Portrait films and cut films page 3

Agfa Portrait films and cut films page 4

Agfa Portrait films and cut films page 5

Agfa Portrait films and cut films page 6

Agfa Portrait films and cut films page 7

Agfa Agfapan 25 100 400 Side 1

Agfa Agfapan 25 100 400 Side 2

Agfa Agfaortho 25 Side 1

Agfa Agfaortho 25 Side 2

Agfa Clipper Page 1

Agfa Clipper Page 2

Agfa Clipper Page 3

Agfa Clipper Page 4

Agfa Clipper Page 5

Agfa Clipper Page 6

Agfa Clipper Page 7

Agfa Clipper Page 8

Agfa Clipper Page 9

Agfa Agfachrome 200 RS 1

Agfa Agfachrome 200 RS 2

Gesammelte Gebrauchs-
Anweisungen Der Agfa
Agfa Berlin SO 36
46 Pages in jpg format named Agfa001, ..., Agfa046.
Use WinRAR (for example) to uncompress files.
Zip file size 14MB

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Agfacolor Värinegatiivien kehitys ja paperikuvien valmistus
52 pages
pdf 13.2 MB
Download the document:
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Directions for Use of Agfa Photographic plates
14 pages
pdf 1.84 MB
Download the document:
Agfa plates.pdf
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